Power Lessons
Power Lesson Six


According to Nagual Juan Matus:

“To be angry at people means that one considers their acts to be important.  It is imperative to cease to feel that way.  The acts of men cannot be important enough to offset our only viable alternative: our unchangeable encounter with Infinity.”


The Lesson:

The only way we get to be upset and angry toward an all-too-normal Flyer-ridden human being or social self is because we are at the time all-too-normal and Flyer-ridden ourselves.  We are not centered in our Nagual or Spirit Self, who has an appointment with Infinity.


The social self imagines it is a “spiritual” being even when upset and angry toward another social self or Normal.  Or the social self imagines it could live a highly spiritual life if only the horribly upsetting “other” were “better” or the outer situation were improved.  It is not the Spirit Self that thinks that way!  To realize this is a major spiritual step on the Path of Power.  There is no Power in the life of a person who believes they are a victim of circumstance or of a terrible other person in their life.  That terrible other person is a nothing, an unreal and superficial Normal, a mere social self, a pseudo-individual without real choice or “Free Will”, a mere driven machine of your own forgotten karma.  They have no importance.  What is important is the place in your being where you are keeping your Assemblage Point, your Position of Consciousness.  That is the real challenge, not to change or avoid the difficult other person.  Your very anger or woundedness just shows you that you are operating in the wrong place in yourself, that you are too normal and weak.