Year Three

Many of our Notes Readers are wondering if there will be a Cosmic Intervention on Earth from Beyond-the-Earth.  What they cannot seem to perceive and comprehend is that Notes are a “Cosmic Intervention on Earth from Beyond-the-Earth”.


Before you go all-out in your reading and thinking about this Note, face it that you have no such capability.


As God, I would actually like to be a lot more advanced than the so-called “God” you believe-in or disbelieve-in.  You are truly retarded about “God”, “Divine Beings” and the like.


Ignorant people throughout the Universe gain nothing from merely being “Extraterrestrial”.  Therefore, when Earth people do not “believe-in” Extraterrestrial Ignorant people, they fail to perceive the issue of Sheer Ignorance on their own planet or any other planet.


I am a Divine Incarnation even in the Pleiades, but the difference from the Earth is that those people are more ignorantly proud and cynical in their spiritual blindness without as many silly emotional hopeful people who want to “belong” and have their selfish laziness coddled.  Why do you suppose a Pleiadean Contactee like Billy Meier in Switzerland has no Divine Self-realization nor development of the Twenty-Four Siddhis?  It is because his Extraterrestrial Mentors are of such low quality on the evolutionary ladder!


Even the Pleiadean Extraterrestrials are scared of “Mothman”.  They have their own equivalent of Point Pleasant 1966 on their planet Erra.  What a fucking joke!  As we used to say in the U.S. Navy, “Shit rolls down-hill”.  As for Me, I rather like Mothman because he mindfucks even the kind of E.T.s who bore-the-fuck out of Me!  It is not just you and your typical Earthbound Notes Readers who are uptight and boring.











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