Year Three

There is no point in continuing to be insensitive toward your dualistic sensory space of your surroundings that continue in sensory serial time of your bodily life that gets felt as the flow of blood pulsing through your brain from back to front.  Physical sensory Space and Time are obviously just the usual subcognitive processing and nothing more, which is perhaps a good reason to read Wei Wu Wei Terence Gray, Douglas Harding, Ramesh Balsekar, J. Krishnamurti and even Osho Rajneesh.  Even Carlos Castaneda books might work a little.  But ultimately even Nisargadatta on “I-amness” will only give you an indirect hint.  Your Being will remain in question because of Notes more than ever.  For ages, awakening men and women have tried to crystallize the right belief about themselves in their heads.  But the Self is beyond the human brain and its pseudo-spiritual but intellectual approach.  This explains how Notes can help.  You are not your head or in your head.  Notes are about using Notes as new ways of thinking beyond your head.  Awareness is Spirit Experiencing beyond your head.  Awareness is a Divine Power and not merely a word or concept.  So, are you really listening to this NoteReally Listening is genuine Awareness lighting up nonduality of Presence of Being as in the mantric affirmative idea of Am This, Here Now.  You need to realize it!  You must do it directly in your own mind and breath as the Spirit of Real Being you need to experience for yourself.  This Note is therefore a summation of core self-help.  Faith in direct divine self-realization is always rewarded.









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