Year Three

I was asked recently where are Notes leading to ultimately, what is their grand aim.  They are not leading anywhere, there is no grand aim.  They are simply unfolding naturally.  They are channeling aspects of Total Existence for the sake of Nondual Awareness of Being.  Do you ask where the sky is going?  Do you ask where the Omniverse is going?


Suddenly we are arriving at this Note within the growing whole of all actual and possible Notes, mental states of readers, spiritual meanings, new insights, hints of possible directions or actions or developments.  This Note is the Grand Aim.  The Grand Aim is always total experiencing of the Here and Now without limit, which is the full-blown this that we are.


This Note reminds you that nothing can happen to you but You!  Let yourself feel all this in the Whole.  Right at this very moment Everything is there within you and around you.


Here and Now everything is arriving within You and this Note, but you are not alert to it because you have fragmenting concerns, worries, speculations, hopes, dreads, plans to get or avoid, confusions, questions, opinions, reactions, little pains or pleasures, habits you blindly indulge, habits you fight with, daydreams, wonderings about what others think about you or what they might do about you.  You have ignorantly contracted your Being into a hyperactive causal bubble fizzing with disturbances, which makes it hard for you to learn Oneness With Total Being, the Bliss of Non-duality.  So now you will fizz into the next Note because you are inwardly pressured to go on fizzing and fizzing in your dreadful bubble of self-limitation, anava mala.


This Note is not about you or your fizzing consciousness.  You are not aware enough of all that is really going on.  You need the Awareness beyond your causal consciousness.









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