Year Three

The thing that most obstructs your progress in Notes is your outer everyday artificial self, which is made up of self-enclosed daydreaming, chronic negative feelings and unconscious activities.


The false, lazy and emotionally disturbed everyday biological and robotic self always believes that real self-change is too scary if not downright impossible, but the higher and truly spiritual Real Self knows better.  Let Notes help you awaken in your Real Self so that can take real action about yourself and seize your higher opportunities.


Be very watchful of what really happens within you about Notes and other deeply useful spiritual teachings.  Anything that is highly instructive for our Spirit Self will not be welcomed by our proud, stubborn and self-enclosed Artificial Self.


Your everyday counterfeit self may claim that it wants instruction and empowerment from a cosmic teacher of Real Selfhood, but that artificial self will call anything “evil” that does not support and even praise its artificiality and proud egoism.


Deeply observant Note-readers have slowly but increasingly learnt that nothing makes life or destiny more difficult than one's unseen but heavily cultivated artificiality, pretence and self-deception.


This Note invites you to begin truly giving up your invented personality by seeing clearly that it is a good thing to do that is not bad for your real interests and outcomes.








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