Year Three

The superficial everyday Social Self likes to imagine it is doing important learning through merely reading Notes at its convenience, but it would be scared to death to directly meet the Notes Author and have to do something outside its familiar everyday prison grounds.


Most readers of Notes remain centered in their everyday boring and flat rigid wrongness like broken clocks without real inner life, which is why they always repeat their usual excuses for themselves along with the same dumb pseudo-insights.


This Note is criticizing your attitude even more than you think it is.  Do you want to know why?  It is because your artificial self likes to merely dream it is learning even while destroying all real wisdom that is transmitted to it.  It is doubtful that you will take a real look at what you are doing.


The more we see how you have agreed with yourself to go living with an unconscious artificial identity, the more we understand and expect what you do with or about Notes.


This Note invites you to courageously discover that life is different than you have always basically believed.


If you have been experiencing real learning in and from Notes, then you are also giving rise to a new energy of bold spiritual adventure and magical development; you are not just endlessly rotting in bad habits in front of your computer screen as a loser centered only in your brain without your whole being coming to life.  You know, a small, flimsy boat hugs the familiar shore, while a large exploring vessel travels out on broad seas and finds treasure islands.









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