Year Three

I am a scientific Remote Viewer.  I have just had a far-out session where the target was another Remote Viewer, who it turns out was Courtney Brown.  I saw him captured by five tall extraterrestrials who took him to Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter where they have a base.  I detected confusion and anger in Courtney Brown when he was told things about “Aliens” that did not fit his interpretations and beliefs.  I further detect a nervous breakdown that keeps him on Ganymede a long time until he is well enough to return to Earth.


I would like to affirm again in this Note that some Extraterrestrials read Notes.  They are the ones who most definitely do not want to meet arrogant, opinionated Remote Viewers of the Earth.  They do not want to incur psychiatric responsibility.  I detect a slight nervousness among them about this Note.


I now detect through Remote Viewing a new nervousness about E.T. readers of Notes among our human readers of Earth.  They also appear to be uncomfortable about Note-readers on Ganymede for some reason.


This Note causes me to report some nervousness about all this among the Ba'al population on the planet Ba'avi that orbits the nearby star Proxima Centauri.  They indicate to me a consensus that they find Notes-reading somewhat disturbing and in some cases a threat to their shared planetary View-of-the-Universe.


This Note reports also a Remote Viewing of mine where I saw a committee on the planet Ummo where those E.T.'s adjudged Notes to be “discontinuous, disorganized, counter-rational and unduly disturbing to contemporary people” (of their planet), though they will not censor them, but just attach a warning, just like the Hip Forum people on the Earth Web.









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