Year Three

This Note is another Remote Viewing report.  The target is one of my favorite that I frequently go to because of an inner resonance with myself.  It is the Spider-people of a planet we can call Arachnia, which is near the Center of the Universe.  I am well-acquainted with them. They are on my beat and I am on theirs.  We share something like Cosmic Hwa Yen Buddhist Meditation but without the Earth Oriental cultural bullshit.  They like Notes and often transmit their best thoughts in a similar manner to less developed races in our Universe who want a boost of Cosmic Intelligence.  I give them ideas; they give me ideas.  They consider our nearby planet Ummo human race to be arrogant and retarded!  Of course they consider humanity of Earth to be worse than arrogant and retarded, but outright psychotic and self-destructive.  Also, the Arachnians are immortal and constantly superconscious.  I detect a certain amusement about this Note being published to insane readers of Earth.








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