Year Three

What was a Note no longer is; what will be a Note is not yet; what this Note is has not been decided.


However long this Note remains here as its duration in Time is nothing more nor less than the way you are handling it as if it is objective.


An unknown reader wants to talk to other unknown readers about this predicament of never knowing who they are or where they are.  It is like an Abilene Paradox where a group of ranchers ask each other if they are “going in to Abilene” and all arrive at their usual café for coffee, but do not know what to do because the only reason they are there is because the others are.  The They-self is never the Authentic Individual Self.


This Note is your chance to suspend any interpretation of this Opportunity.  This is doubly important if you are not an Extraterrestrial or a European.  If, however, you are British, American, Canadian, Aussi or Kiwi, you don’t stand a chance; you will make a stupid interpretation.


This Note is going to go on without you for the sake of the Real Readers.







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