Year Two

A new extraterrestrial reader has tapped into this website to see what ”Notes” are all about.  Give him your best telepathic welcome to all this.  You can even mentally ask him if he has ever heard of “Ramtha” or “Bashar”.   Do not go on to the next note until you are more aware of the implications of true and false channeling of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, whatever planet you hail from.


This note is about you developing a better reason to hear it and think about it.  Come up with a better reason for going deeply into the next note as well.


Can you experience this question/note in a radically new way? If you cannot, there will be no point in going on to the next note.


There is something strange here that you will not find in the next note.  Try to catch a glimpse of it.  Did you catch a glimpse of it?


As you ponder this note more deeply you may find something unusual happening to your sense of mental time, such as the time you mentally spend pondering this note.   This is because you may notice that when you ponder this note more deeply you will have to agree that there probably is something unusual happening to your sense of mental time, so go ahead and ponder this deeply enough before you consider deeply and extensively the possibility of going on to the next note at the right moment. If you begin to feel dizzy, that is a good sign of a mental shift of mental time having a new emphasis in your neurocognitive system, especially in the brain.  The inner ear that regulates balance and dizziness is embedded in your brain.  Functions of mental time effect brain time physically, which has to do with the flow of blood circulation through the brain itself, which the people of Ummo pointed out to the Earth individual, Antonio Ribera.  Be sure to re-read this note at least once to get clear.


This refreshingly simple note is here to help you clear-up any brain-induced dizziness or confusion coming from your encounter with the last note.   Just relax and be clear about all this before you read the next note.


The purpose of this note is to help you to see how your mind carries on about it unconsciously in your brain in ways you do not normally perceive.  Try to detach your consciousness from your brain a little.  Once you have done that, this note can fulfill its mission and get you ready for the next note.   It would be a huge mistake to go on to the next note without truly conscious preparation.


This note is about what three books have in common. They are:
    1. Groddeck, The Book of the It
    2. Colin Wilson, The Mind Parasites
    3. Carlos Castaneda, The Active Side of Infinity
Make sure that you read these books and study the Foreign Installation in your mind.


This note is about all the work ahead of you if you want to be truly serious about all this.   Ponder what it means to be truly serious before you go on to the next Note Session.









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