Year Two

News flash: The Neocon Bilderbergs plus all the world’s lying and abusive government leaders and officials are soon to be captured, punished and executed for their crimes against humanity by the coming Cosmic Invasion Force of Real Cosmic Government.  However, if they will voluntarily step down from their present positions and retire into harmless private life without further machinations of abusive secular power, amnesty will be considered for them.
           Now back to Notes.


If you are beginning to see that you do not really know what kind of Universe you are actually living in, go onto the next note.


This note is a Moment of Zen for any sincere seeker on the verge of a sudden awakening beyond the daily world of ordinary and superficial activity or escapism, including mindless obsession with sexual prospects on the one hand or lacking sexual intensity on the other hand.  Have you read and understood Osho Rajneesh?


This note is about some Norwegians who need to visit Japan and some Japanese who need to visit Sweden , Denmark and Germany.  It is also about some Italians who need to visit Turkey and some Turks who need to visit Mongolia and China.  It is also about how no one should visit America and Britain.


I am wondering if you really want to have a real awakening. Where are you really at about it?  Am I wasting my time by producing all these Notes for you?


I know some wise, intelligent and good-willed Iraqis who need to get out of Iraq and live in Morocco.  I also know some wise, intelligent and good-willed people of Senegal who need to live in France.  And I also know some sincere French people who need to live in Spain.  Many urgent migrations are needed by alert good people for the time ahead.  No one should tolerate less than a real life of real development.





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