Year Two

How is your sex-life lately?  Is it more intensely real, intimate and meaningfully communicative with your partner or partners? Are you and they growing more honest, open-hearted, generous and appreciative in it all?  Have you stopped hurting and hindering one another?  Are you starting to shake and tremble with the bottomless powers of the Abyss in Sex?  Do you now see that Sex is Power, is Magic, is an indispensable Self-discovery of fathomless mystery?  You must look ever more deeply into the all-pervasive meanings of your most vulnerable and naked sexual self.  If you do not do this, your real cosmic intelligence will be suffocated by rigid moralistic pettiness and dead-end celibacy.  Seek Below as well as Above or you will never be a complete Being.  The true path of immortality is both God and Bod. It is two-in-one Shiva-Shakti Vajrayana.  Now get on with it and stop being chicken shit with your sex partner or partners!  Be real in Sex!


I admit it: I am an incarnation of my own Godself.  Now, your job is to awaken your own Godself or Goddess-Self and make Him or Her incarnate, embodied, on your planet as a Divine Fucker.  That is Our Universal Physical Way.  Take it or leave it! Just do not be half-assed about it.  Be a Divine Nymphomaniac or go dry-up in the Himalaya somewhere and learn the hard way why there are physical human bodies. NO HALF-MEASURES!  I am sick and tired of your sexual and psychological self-enclosed pettiness!  Fuck or do not fuck, love or do not love; get real or get out!


Have you ever noticed that it is note-readers with sexual problems that are most critical of Notes that discuss sexual problems?  Readers who cannot be real in sex are unlikely to be real in anything else, such as reading or talkingGet real or get out!  Half-assed readers of Notes are worse than non-readers.









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