Year Two

This note is like a banana tree.  Try this idea and see what you get before you go to the next note.


What are you doing here?  Do you have a sneaky hunch that you might have to learn something from all this?  Will you allow a cosmic thought-wave to tune up your mind?


This fantastic note is approaching you from the back of your head.  You better be very still and calm or you might get hurt. Just relax and let this note flow into your system and out again like a tide.  The Lunar Fathers want to help you develop.  They are rather intelligent in certain senses of the meaning of it.


You can picture yourself beside a deep and serene lake on a strange planet.  Just that will be enough.  Do not develop any hopeful or fearful scenarios.  Just trust the Total Universe that you need to put yourself there a little without knowing why.


Picture that you are finally invited on board a flying saucer by some friendly extraterrestrial visitors.  It is a genuine invitation and not an abduction. “Will you come with us for a little while?” they ask.  You agree to take a trip into the Unknown.  They take you up to the mothership and pack your body in a jelly to protect it from forces of accelerational supergravity.  As the mothership moves into deep space, you find your consciousness is floating above your body as a glowing, bluish bubble of perception. Suddenly you remember this note and you realize how it prepared you to deal with what is happening.  Then, when you land on their homeworld, they take you to a special committee who want to ask you questions about the humanity of your planet. You agree.  The first question you are asked is, “Do you know what it really means to be alive?”


Now picture that it is taking you too long to want to understand Notes!






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