Year Two

You now have an incredible opportunity to enter the Unknown in a totally new way.  So go ahead!  When you get tired of the elusive Unknown, go on to the next note.


Edmund Husserl said in his Cartesian Meditations, “As radically meditating philosophers, we now have neither a science that we accept nor a world that exists for us.”  If you now feel ready to leap into the Phenomenological Perspective, you are developing your own awareness of all sorts of plausible Entities of the Unknown.  You are therefore ceasing to make facile identifications of such entities.  If you are in agreement with Phenomenology on this point, then go on to the next note. Otherwise you can just stay here and rot in all your explanations and false certainties.   Notes are only for radically meditating philosophers.


There are some readers who have been through all the Note-Sessions we have published on this website, yet only a small portion of those determined, struggling readers are actually radically meditating Phenomenological philosophers.  Do you see the enormity of the challenge that awaits your consciousness in all this?  If you do, you are ready for the next mind-boggling note.


As long as you believe unquestioningly that you are going about in a real world everyday, you are nothing in all this.  You do not perceive Alternative Realities because you are still stuck in First Reality Syndrome.  Do what you will, it is obvious that you believe in the World of the planet-of-ignorance on which you seem to dwell as a neurocognitive body.  You are so dull, so boring and wretched!  I tell you, so far you are just nothing in all this. What does it take to wake you up? How will you answer?  In your sleep?   Wake up and smell the coffee.









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