Year Two

You will eventually have to take a whole new approach to all this, but for now you are only required to read this note in your usual way.  You can also think about this in your usual way as well.  There is no pressure on you to do something unusually better about this. It is quite enough for you to get through this note without getting trapped in the implications of it.


You will now face the terrible truth that you have no choice about your level of understanding of this note.


Your approach to this particular note is obviously rather inadequate, but there is nothing you can do about it.  You must proceed the way you are driven, which you will see as you go though the next note.


How interested could you potentially become about this note if it were to point out to you that you just aren’t going to really get it?


You might want to try to let go of this note soon enough to avoid any existential dilemma about your being here as a reader.  Of course we also know that you are too dull to get into an existential dilemma about your being here, so take your time.  On the other hand, if you are that dull, you will not need much time to get rid of this note.  Why would you stay?  For what?


This note is amply constructed to cheerfully accommodate your meaningless encounter with it.  There would be no point in you lingering here too long.  The next note is also well suited for your useless way of approaching it.


This note happily announces the immediate ending of the session.  Thank God it is finally over!








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