Year Two

If the Ultimate Teacher speaks, only the Ultimate Student can understand the teaching.  If the Ultimate Note is written, only the Ultimate Reader can receive the transmission.  Where then does all this leave you?


Nothing really miraculous ever happens for you because you are too normal and boring.  You are nothing but a creature of your habits and routines.  We could even build robots that would read notes the way you do.  Go to subroutine 247-AX.


Sometimes readers come here to see if all this “has got something”.  The sad thing is that most visitors like that haven’t really got anything going for them at all, which makes it difficult to imagine what sort of “something” would be recognized by them as the required “something” we might have.  What kind of reader are you?   Do you have anything real going for you?  If you do, could you ever explain it to our average reader here?


Think of a thought you have had recently about the possibility of doing more original thinking about the truth of human existence on the planet Earth, then go on to the next note as if it does not matter that you are not a real thinker.


Here you are, trying yet again to read this note with your emotional mind.  Because of this, you will now go on to the next note without any intelligent inquiry into anything whatsoever.


It is always a mystery to me that so many readers like yourself will be completely content with their utterly dull and boring approach to all this.  But, hey, it doesn’t matter because this is the end of the session.  Thank God it’s over!  I couldn’t take any more of the way the readers read all this.









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