Year Two

At this very moment you are surrounded by a vivid and complex environment that you have arranged for yourself without being fully aware of how it was all put into the present pattern of your activities, involvements and interests.  Your “here and now” is obviously not as simple or even familiar as you like to assume.  It is far more dynamic and unpredictable than you allow yourself to consciously know, yet you also subconsciously know it, which helps maintain a background level of anxiety and confusion within you even when everything is working out O.K.  Will you now take a fuller, deeper look into your presently vivid and complex environment?  Take a tremendous but brief new glimpse before you read the next note or you will not even begin to comprehend the next note.


This note is about the way you blank out important subjects when you are busy.   Why do you blank out?  It isn’t really necessary.


If you have been reading Notes with great interest for a very long time, you are increasingly aware of my presence to you as an invisible cosmic guide.  In actual fact there are many invisible cosmic guides who monitor you and help you briefly now and then as They make Their inner rounds.  We are like Gardeners-of-Souls in the Garden-of-Evolutionary-Truth.  Try to be more aware of how this works.  No real human potential is ever abandoned or left unattended.   Your job is to awaken greater self-responsibility, self-change and self-realization in your being.  The higher hints and blessings are always there to help you get on with all that you need to be doing and waking up to.









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