Year Two

That there are infinite other human races embodied in peculiar bodies on infinite unusual planets for their learning and development is not hard to intuitively grasp and understand unless you are an utterly Earthbound stupidly clever modern human being who utterly bores and turns-off any intelligent reader of this note.  Anti-cosmic brains that cannot bear to look at the Big Picture will simply live out their futile, nasty little brief lives, die of accidents, illnesses or general old age and be usually buried and quickly forgotten as their pathetically arrogant little minds wander as meaningless unhappy ghosts on the “other side” of collective mediocrity where the souls are recycled cosmic garbage.   And even if they belong to one of the world’s pathetic religions, it isn’t going to do anything much either.   A pathetic lack of higher awakening is a pathetic lack of higher awakening.  Those who remain pathetic are doomed to remain a tiny fragment of the Big Picture without knowing it.  It is almost amusing, is it not?


This note is about your need to become superhumanly aware beyond dull, habit-ridden normalcy as quickly as possible.  Will you do this very soon now or will you just keep drifting into doom with the heedless masses of humanity?


This note is about your new approach to Tantric sex as in Osho Rajneesh, your growing receptivity toward triple self-transformation as in Aurobindo, your higher learning and right connectivity as in Idries Shah, your change of life into Nagual Seership as in Juan Matus and your shift into Crazy Wisdom as in Padma Sambhava.


This note is about your possible meeting with the Ultimate Zen Master who is not Buddha, Bodhidharma or even “God”.  The Ultimate Zen Master was called “Zebra” by Philip K. Dick. Maybe you should start with Valis, which is a book among other things.






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