We do not ask you if you are a new reader or an old reader who has been chugging along through it all.  No, we do not ask you about that.  What we really need to ask is:  What kind of reader are you?  Are you mentally flexible and capable of learning in the unknown?  Or, are you a confused, phony and boring person who reads here to get a little stimulation or energy within a rather rigid, flat and mediocre daily life?  Or, are you an enthusiastic belonger who can hardly wait for each exciting session?  Or, are you an angry critic that is ate up with jealousy that we have many interested readers when almost no one comes to your petty, nasty and opinionated website?  Or are you one of the shallow scanner types who reads and looks at all sorts of things without pausing to deeply reflect, think or meditate somewhere?


Again, what kind of reader are you?  Do you even know?  When will you face the truth?




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