Many of our readers have been asking for greater consistency so as to be able to make sense of all this.  Yet another large group of readers have asked for even more surprises so as to not have to make sense of all this.  Both groups of readers are stupid.


If you now feel ready to leap into thinking, think very carefully about this note before going on to the next note.


Did you leap into original thinking about the previous note?


This note is an obvious break from the “note time” theme of the previous session.


This timeless note could easily appear again in the next few hundred sessions.


2012 AD is not “the end of the world”.  It is merely the shift from ascending Kali Yug to ascending Dwapar Yug in the Sun’s orbit around the Ma’at black hole.  Any idiot can see that.


Now we know why ignorant NASA astronomers hate this website.


The previous two notes are about both astronomical time and note time.


The last time you had sex and the next time you will have sex are about sex.


You the reader may be feeling some inclination to prioritize your concept of time.  What, in fact, is your concept of time?


The “ultimate” concept of time has to do with the concept of eternity and timelessness which most would-be mystics use in a trite way, as if they have themselves just discovered these kind of references to time.


Timeless eternity is what it takes God to cope with pretentious mystics.


Ancient cosmogonies said metaphorically that the Earth rides on the back of a cosmic turtle.  Modern academics like to feel superior by claiming that ancient peoples took the cosmic turtle metaphor literally.  Now I was there and I tell you that we did not take our cosmological metaphors literally.  But you do not have to take these statements literally.  Who gives a fuck what modern idiots believe about ancient peoples?


The things you have opinions about will still be there long after you die and are forgotten.  But you will undoubtedly reincarnate and form new opinions based on the social delusions of the time.


Whenever astronomers bother to measure the Sun’s Quit (direction the Sun is heading in space), it is not the same as the previous measurement.  This implies that the Sun is in an elliptical orbit, which implies it is orbiting something like an invisible other star.


NASA astronomers hate this website for obvious reasons.


In Kali Yug, average healthy life maximum is around 100 years, in Dwapar Yug around 200 years, in Treta Yug  around 300 years, in Satya Yug around 400 years.  Unfortunately, this means that ignorant, proud and stupid NASA astronomers are going to live longer in the future. 


The first Avatar of Vishnu is called Kurma, the Turtle.  It is therefore one hell of an important metaphor.  This note however is not about that turtle.  No, it is about Vishnu, the all-pervading God.  Would you say that NASA astronomers are “all-pervading”?  Of course not!  They are unbelievably limited, aren’t they?






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