We will not try to persuade new readers here that they should first read the previous sessions. What would be the point?


You now have an opportunity to review the way you read something like this.


You also have yet another kind of opportunity about this.


Can you look outdoors for a moment and see?


Can you make it possible for you to fuse what you read here with what you see out there?


You may now be experiencing a different kind of consciousness. Look into all this before the next note.


What do you see in your immediate environment about your body?


From where in your body do you believe you see?


From where in your brain do you believe you read?


From where in yourself do you investigate cognitive mysteries of your cognitive functions?


From where in the Totality of Existence are you yourself seen as a mere object?


From where in the Boundless Void is the Totality of Existence seen as a mere object?


From where is the Boundless Void seen as a mere bubble?


From where is the Absolute Seer Seeing?






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