This note is more or less this note.  Can you see what makes this fluctuate?


Before you finish reading this note you will have to forget what you thought it meant.


It will not take you long to forget this rather mediocre little note.


This note would like to suggest that you open your mind to a new method of increasing your intelligence.


Apparently you were unable to think of a new method of increasing your intelligence so you might as well stick with your usual method.  Maybe the next note will help a little.


This note does not require any big boost of your intelligence. Surely you can see that.


This note is just a minor addition to the session.


This note is just a little something to help you get started in really blowing your mind.


This note is not going to reach the part of your brain that needs it the most.  You might as well just go on the next note.


Somewhere out in distant space there is a lone reader with a fantastic intelligence who sees the hidden structure within each and every note.  Such a reader makes all this truly worthwhile.






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