You have no choice about the way you will react to this note. Do you know why?


You have no choice about what this note will cause you to think of.


Your position toward this note is completely out of your hands. Are you aware of this?


You cannot choose to understand or misunderstand this note.


You cannot decide how long you will stay interested in this note.


Where will you go forward or where you will hold back is never actually decided by you about anything whatsoever, which includes your extending or not extending your appreciation of this note.


We have some sad news for you about this note: you have no way of deciding how you will take this note.


This note wishes to try to inform you that your “independent free-will” is virtually non-existent because of your habitual attitudes, reactions, thoughts and activities.  Even how much you will face this issue is out of your hands.


The time has come for you to be unable to know how you supposedly decide how much you will try to understand this note.





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