The level of energy from which you speak or within which you hear or read is everything.  Superficial people imagine that the form or content of what they speak or hear or read is what is important.  Before you read the next note, try to see the level of energy you are operating on at the present time.


With what level of energy do you experience the level of energy of this note?  Can you see that higher levels of energy see lower levels of energy but lower levels of energy cannot see or feel higher levels of energy as anything but a kind of indefinable pressure or disturbance?


A lower level of energy will tend to resist a higher level of energy because it feels pressured or threatened by it, whereas a higher level will tend to withdraw from a lower level of energy because it feels uselessly drained by the lower energy whether it is resisting or trying to form a vampirical dependency.


This note is about what happens when a mature individual tries to work things out with immature people.  Are you a mature individual who has endlessly experienced this tiresome problem or are you an immature person who has been resisting or draining a mature individual?


This note is about all the maneuvers of immature people with other immature people, which always result in conflict, disappointment or sorrow.


This note is about what happens when mature people meet with other mature individuals, which is always mutually enriching without artificial strain or useless expectations.






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