This note is about your true center-of-gravity and the level of energy it works with. Do you understand what it is really about?


This note is about Kundalini Shakti. If your personal quantum energy level does not keep rising and unfolding you are wasting your life in personal stagnation with useless egotism of self-defensive pride.


This note is about the mantra Hawm-Sawh when breathing upward and inward and Hreem-Sreeh when breathing downward and outward. Kundalini Yogis and Yoginis will do this often to realize non-duality of spiritual realization and to lift the level of atomic quantum energy in their personal physical system. False teachers and influencers speak against this kind of cosmic self-help because they are ignorant.


This note is about whether you really want higher personal energy levels or not. What are you really going to do about your energy problem?


This note is about the prejudice that many seekers fall under when they identify or disidentify with any particular culture, tradition or esoteric school. Prejudices and assumptions destroy more potential than anything else. In fact, prejudices and assumptions keep personal energy on such a low level that it cannot become the higher levels of personal power.


This note is about your actual state. Work it out.






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