This note is about your real higher nature of innate Bliss and Freedom, which is your ultimate refuge from all pains, illnesses and sorrows.


This note is about the fact that all events in your life in the world are your own secret inmost Divine and true Will.  Knowing this alone will relieve you of distress and depression over the horrible self-destructive trends of America and the rest of the world as humanity is increasingly destroyed and shocked.


This note is about the things you need to do about yourself for a real developmental life in spite of the ridiculous, foolish and stupidly insane state of society and the world.


This note is about how a truly wise mind will use bad news or difficult experiences to create a cosmic perspective that understands the news and puts an end to difficult experiences.


This note is about the Higher Silence that responds perfectly to any challenge that arises.


This note is about how liberating your awareness brings greater and greater freedom in your life.


This note is about how awakening your Higher Fire and Light of Awareness will fully observe your surface thoughts and reactions plus make the right corrections of your behavior.


This note is about the fact that you do not have to become a famous philosopher to benefit from real original thinking, intense inquiry and heightened awareness.   Your own higher functioning will always be more important than your published articles.


This note is about the extraordinary and sustainable wisdom you can cultivate and strengthen beyond your ordinary self-enclosed emotional mind.


This note is about how you need to know certain important things directly and completely from within your own Higher Self without needing confirmation or support from spiritual authority or other people in your life.


This note is about the need for your thinking to be truly thoughtful and not just emotional worry or the blurting of clever opinions.


This note is about learning to patiently teach and train your consciousness rather than getting discouraged over its misunderstandings and errors.





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