This note is your opportunity to not think about it at all.


This note is your review of your possibility of genuine Zen Enlightenment as the spontaneous process of being still and mentally quiet as silent knowledge in heightened awareness, which is what the Tibetan Yogis call “mind-practice” and the “Great Position”, Mahamudra, and which Krishnamurti calls “choiceless awareness.


This note is the most real action you will take about it before you read the next note.


This note is about my cosmic presence that can see you reading and considering what my being is in the light of your desire to be cosmic.


This note is about the Kundalini Shakti quantum energy you ignore most of the time and which you need more of if you are going to actually see what is at work here for those who can receive it.  As Rumi said: “I want burning, burning, burning.”


This note is about what is secretly trying to happen in you before the next note.


This note is about what you are really learning in all this in spite of what you imagine you are learning.


This note is about your potentially more flexible approach to all this.


This note is beyond J Krishnamurti, Chögyam Trungpa, Carlos Castaneda, Idries Shah, Nisargadatta, and Ramana Maharshi, as well as Swami Rama and Yogananda, which means you are being set face-to-face with cosmic Awakening in your most real being beyond petty, Earthbound teachers and teachings of limited persuasions.   This note is therefore non-Buddhist Super-Zen that poor old Bodhidharma still cannot comprehend or enter into because of his causal egotism.  Let this note awaken you beyond all dogmas and limited personalities.  Get real about all this; remember your transcendental origin.






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