You are here reading this note because that is the way life has happened.  You may try to believe that you choose to read this, but it is not really your choice at all.  And even if you react to these statements and leave, neither your reaction nor your leaving are your choices; it will just be another way that life is happening through you.  How you will approach the next note is also completely out of your hands.  All of your “choices” about all this are just your false thinking and your ego trips you have to go on.  You are blind to the real forces that drive you.  It is not even your real choice to see Power or to stay blind to Power. And however it works out for you will be the perfect thing for you, regardless of what your interpretation may be.


This note is happening and you are happening about it.  How long you will ponder this or how soon you will rush away to the next note is no real choice of yours.


If you will happen to realize that you are not able to choose what you do about this note, then Power has decided to make you more open and aware, less closed and unaware.  If Power is thus making you more vulnerable, more open, then you are losing a lot of your usual tension, anxiety and fear.  You realize in fact that you have to allow everything to happen because you have no choice about anything whatsoever.   If Power is causing you to allow everything, then you are being taught an ultimate secret of life.  Power liberates an individual in this way.  It is palpable. You can feel it when you have been brought by Power into the Power of allowing.


The more you are brought choicelessly into the truth that you have no choice about reading all this or anything else you used to believe you were choosing in your life, the more the Real Power is revealed in your Being and your life all around you.  By destroying your ego-boundaries, Power brings you into infinite awareness.   This can happen at any moment.


There is nothing for you to cling to or reject in all this.   What will or will not happen for you here requires no decision on your part.  Any decision you think you are making about all this is an illusion within the illusion of your body, your world and your mind.  Power will decide everything about your experience and understanding of this very note as well as the next note.


You are brought through all this or out of all this by a Power you never see.  Power alone will decide whether you will see or even feel Power or not.  Power will decide how much She will work through you including how much Power you will seem to have in the eyes of others or how much you will seem to be without Power.   Power creates or destroys these judgments in people, for they are helpless and without choice.


Most readers imagine that Notes are about their so-called choices and intellectual judgments.  They are wrong!   Notes are about Power!


This note is an act of Power in your consciousness to clarify your consciousness and awaken Higher Awareness.   So Power is most of all the growing Power-of-Awareness, as well as the ever more amazing true existence being revealed in your awakening Awareness.


This note is the revelation that Choiceless Awareness is not something you can choose to have.  When Power brings you to teachings about being more aware and choiceless, that is one of the Great Actions of Power for bringing you more rapidly into Choicdeless Awareness.   There is infinite energy, supreme Power, in genuine Choiceless Awareness. Such a state in a human being is a huge accomplishment of Power.


You cannot speed-up or prevent your learning here.  The next note session is also completely out of your hands.  You do not decide the significance or meaning of anything whatsoever.





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