This note is about learning through feeling and awareness as opposed to mere reading of books, going through external experiences or being instructed by socially self-important New Age or traditional teachers.


This note is about how without real feeling or real awareness you try to commit to memory some sort of rules about what to do or not to do, what to think or not to think.  Do you see that you try to build-up rules in your head about what you are to be prepared to do or think or respond if this or that happens?  You imagine you can be real and adequate for this or that challenge, confrontation, crisis or crossroads of decision.  You imagine that pre-planned actions or ideas will cover everything.  But do they?  Would it not be better to cultivate feeling and awareness so that your responses will be from a real center in yourself without need of rules or mental rehearsal?   Do not read the next note if you do not agree with this.


What do you feel in this note?   Do you understand that what and where you feel has nothing to do with an emotional reaction?


Are you having any emotional, psychological reaction or neurotic mental condition about learning to extend your feeling or inner sense?  Try to be very clear about the learning challenge here before you read the next note.


Are you aware that real learning is more in the field of feeling or inner awareness?  Are you getting the inner sense of all this? Do you see how mere reading and building-up cognitive patterns in your brain tends to build an actual barrier to learning through awareness?


This note is either something in your awareness, your inner feeling, or it is a set of words that your brain evaluates as to their relevance to your brain.


Your brain is your instrument of rational materialism.  It is the way you keep yourself spiritually dead as well as confused about the field of inner feeling or awareness.  Your brain is your inability to genuinely and constantly understand what all this is really about.


Before you go on to the next note, ask yourself what is most strange in your present surrounding that is neither indoors nor outside nor in the middle between them.


This note will never be what your wordy, babbling brain thinks it is.  All you have to do is see this.


This note is already finished, but the Spirit of it will linger in your atmosphere for quite awhile longer than you will know.


This note is an impossible thing.


And this is yet another impossible thing.


The subtle character of this note is more than merely elusive. You better keep a watchful eye as to what this is unleashing in your surroundings.


Good luck on the next Note Session!





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