This note is your chance to complete your understanding of the fact that your concerns about your self-importance in the world only keep you heavy and bogged-down in a neurotic and tense life of bondage to the mechanical and unmagical ways of normal society.  Are you ready now to seriously begin dropping your self-importance?  Are you ready now to start being a more natural, free and light magical traveler on the Earth and beyond? Are you ready to learn Voidwalking and Timespanning?


To see people properly with subtle vision is to see the actual quality of their vibratory energy that is working in their body and its radiant energy cocoon of circulating fibers. The Theosophists call this “seeing the aura”. The Mexican Seers call it “seeing the luminous egg”.  The way you should begin is to let yourself feel the dull, self-enclosed energy shell of materialistic, spiritually blind ordinary people.  You must feel their life-wasting mediocrity and proud ignorance for what it really is.


What people do in the presence of an intelligent and spiritually awake individual is what I call clumping.   When people clump, they do not ask intelligent questions, never say anything real, and, above all, they show a distinct lack of awareness. When clumping, people will just sit at a table and stare mindlessly with a kind of neurotic self-absorption about themselves as boring dummies or, at most, chattering fools about the brick-a-brack everyday life of chores and shopping.  Normal people of normal society are clumpers.  They have neither genuine philosophical inquiry nor a real magical quest of the Spirit.  So, do not go to the next note unless you are keenly aware of clumpers and no longer yourself in a state of dull, boggled clumping.


This note is for you to practice feeling people’s actual state of their energy cocoons.  You are to notice how their energy tentacles actually connect with their surroundings in a different way than their phony faces or surface talk tries to show.  The next note session will go farther into awareness.





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