If you have to make a big effort to really hear this or any Note, to really get into the deeply true meaning of it, can it be said that you are actually listening and understanding at all?  If you are straining at a teaching, is not your effort itself an activity of your own that prevents receptivity?  Do you have to make an effort when you are hearing something that entertains you?  If something has to entertain you, then it becomes work if it fails to entertain you.  If a message or teaching is truly serious, then you have to work at it if you are not yourself serious, but only seeking entertainment.  So the real question, before you go on to the next note uselessly, is: can you be truly serious so that you can hear and understand all this without neurotic effort and confusion?


Shall we go further into what it means to be effortlessly receptive to something without confusion?  Right here in this note you can face this issue directly and clearly in yourself. Will you do this?  If your mind is occupied with your effort to understand, with your comparisons, with your justifications or condemnations of yourself, then you will not be aware of the truth in all this.  Do you see this?  Your trips about all this can prevent all this.


To truly listen to just this one note must be a complete act without halting or keeping some neurotic problem or judgment buzzing in your mental background.   When there is complete listening, you taste a new freedom in your consciousness because it is a real consciousness and not a noisy little ego of the brain. Is this clear?  Do you have a taste of freedom?


Are you really concerned with complete listening and awareness in all this, or are you struggling with your inner turmoil about yourself, about your desire to become a happier, more improved model of yourself?  Look into your motivation before the next note.


This note is not about your particular inner conflicts and contradictions.  It is not about your confusion or your struggle to understand. It is rather about the listening and awareness that can take place beyond your inner conflicts, beyond your confusions and struggles of your limited little existence as a human physical ego.  Can you see all that so clearly that it simply ceases without any effort on your part to somehow control and suppress your inner noise and turmoil?  Any neurotic struggle to overcome the neurotic mental turbulence is itself still neurotic.  Is this not so?  Can you see that it is useless to try to make your mind conform to a preconceived pattern, to try to force it into an ideal state?


Your attempts to be a spiritual success are aspects of spiritual failure.  Can you look fully at this problem before you go on to the next note?   This does not mean you should just rot or stagnate in everyday complacency.  It means rather that you should stop designing complacency that turns spiritual awareness into neurotic efforts or dramatics of everyday ego.


Can you see how you sometimes make an effort to capture, reproduce or simulate a spiritual or occult experience that has been described for you?  Your imagination tries real hard, and then you slump back, disappointed and in turmoil, and begin to strain in accordance with some formula you have picked-up or even concocted for yourself.  Is this not so?  Therefore, you need to awaken to the truth of your whole expectation, your pattern of effort.  And this awakening, this higher awareness, is what is most extraordinarily significant, most spiritually important for you!  Do you understand this need to go beyond neurotic spiritual imaginations and superficial strain, which are just glorified everyday physical selfhood of the brain?  It is after all the Spirit of Awareness that has spiritual experiencing built into it as the consciousness beyond the brain and beyond the neurotic struggles of the brain.  Wake up fully to this paradox before the next session.




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