If you are now listening to this note with real awareness and understanding, you are not going into confusion and you do not need to make an effort to give the depth of necessary attention. You are simply listening without resistance or reaction.  You are not looking for agreement with your opinion nor do you fear that you will be taken over and mentally captured.  So, do not go on to the next note without this higher approach.


The truth you hear in this note will be the essence that is helping to create a rather remarkable change within you.  This change, if you are experiencing it, is not something you have visualized ahead of time, it is not a transformation you have hoped for with prayers or emotional idealism.  It is a total revolution in your approach to learning and development in which higher truth is guiding you rather than the usual creations of your imagination about yourself.


You know, it is important that you listen to everything beyond self-centered imagination.  You cannot listen just to what notes are saying if you are not able to listen in higher truth to what other people are saying, or to the chirping of a bird or the sound of an automobile or lorry going by.  Do not go to the next note if you are not yet electing to keep up complete all-round listening and looking with relaxed, open and alert awareness.


The more you listen to everything, the more you are aware of everything, the greater and vaster will your inner silence be. This inner silence need not be fractured by your usual inner noise with which you often gurgle mentally to yourself about your doings and expectations.  You must be completely clear about this without resisting the truth of it, for otherwise there will always be a barrier between you and what all this is really about.  You will then find it impossible to hear everything that is in this note session or the next.




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