The new reader should begin at session one and not foolishly read this or other sessions at random.  Our extraterrestrial readers do not have to be told this, but this is the planet Earth where the kinds of readers who come to this website are generally stupid, arrogant and insane.  The planet Earth has a long way to go, obviously.


Try not to read this note more than twice.


Read this note as many times as it takes to be able to make a sincere statement to yourself such as, “I am learning that I do not yet really know how to learn.”


Fortunately, this note is not about your attempted learning process.  This note (believe it or not) is about your emotional reactions to various notes.  Emotional reactions are not a learning process, though you could potentially learn by seeing the real truth of your emotional reactions.


Try not to be upset if you accidentally come to a sudden understanding of this note.


Your “deep” emotions are sheer delusion because emotions have no real depth.   Try to be more clear about this before you take your neurotic nonsense into the next note.


This note invites you to wake-up to something, but will not tell you what that something is.


Anywhere in any universe at any time is the perfect situation for anyone to awaken Cosmic Consciousness of the Godself.


A rather tall cyclopean human being is walking naked behind his beloved cyclopean woman, who is also walking naked on a very beautiful, solitary beach on a remote planet they have stopped by on in their starship.  He has a huge erection and she is happily considering it, but suddenly she is embarrassed because she is reading this very note in her hand-held web-browser and wondering how they were picked out.


You will sooner or later have to realize that your present circumstance can be vividly perceived by remote viewers of genuine cosmic consciousness from anywhere in any universe at any time.  Everything is present everywhere at all times.


This note is good for you because it can give you some welcome relief over your frustration of lacking Cosmic Consciousness. All you have to do is realize that it will dawn upon you sooner or later when you become totally sincere and innocent about it.


All this is preparing your consciousness for a new step in the next note session.  Help is on the way.





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