You are beyond help because of your mental blockage.  This note is therefore going to have to stop at this point to avoid the futility of trying to help you get rid of your mental blockage, which mental blockage you cannot possibly recognize for what it is.  So, goodbye.  There will of course be some notes now for readers who are not suffering blindly from mental blockages, but none of that is your concern.  Be good to yourself and leave this website.


The Author of Notes refuses to provide for personal contacts, whether they may be eager admirers or irate detractors.  This is because both positive and negative emotional concerns are subhuman.  Do not go on to the next note if you are subhuman. The purpose of Notes is to read them, understand them and increase your learning ability.  These benefits do not require personal contact.


This anonymous note almost wrote itself.


There is an impersonal consciousness that wrote this from the serene space of transcendental crystal cold absoluteness beyond your opinionated, neurotic little ego.


Your thoughts about the previous note are fuzzy and unsound. Give them up and learn to go beyond.


If you cannot freeze your nonsense and rise into objective awareness, then give up on notes and go to a more normal website that appeals to people for contact and financial support.


If you enjoy trying to learn and hoping to increase your awareness, then go ahead and learn and increase your awareness if you want to experience the big excitement beyond your present little excitement.


What you imagine is your progress from reading notes is virtually nothing compared to the progress that can happen when imaginary progress is given up.


This note is only for those who ask themselves a devastating new question about it.


This note is for any idiot who finds it easy.


This note is an opportune multiple-choice to help you learn. Select the answer that most applies to you:
A – You already know how to learn.
B – You feel like a failure in real learning.
C – You are unsure what learning actually is.
D – You are completely certain about how learning actually works.
E – You are beyond learning.
F – You are below learning.
G – This multiple-choice question is a learning boost.
H – You hope you are learning.
I – You know you will never have a clue about which answer most applies to you.


This note is all about your new perspective on learning from something like this note.


This note is another multiple-choice questionnaire about possible answers to the question of what your consciousness is for.  Pick the answer that most applies to you as to the purpose of your consciousness.
A – To have the pleasurable and avoid the painful.
B – To ask better and better questions about everything.
C – To expand consciousness to infinity like a balloon that can always get bigger and never pop.
D – To turn it inside out for self-discovery.
E – To turn it outside in for self-discovery.
F – To put a stop to it for self-discovery.
G – To completely clarify it and have an end to its present distortions and disturbances.
H – To stop believing there is such a thing.
J – To learn how to learn.
K – To ignite it and generate superconsciousness.
L – To try to see God.


This note is only for one who is absolutely clear about the true purpose of consciousness.  Others can simply fumble around with the next note.


Absolute consciousness is no longer consciousness as such, so it is impossible.  However, it is equally possible that only absolute consciousness is qualified to be consciousness in the fullest meaning of the term.  Which of the above two ideas do you most agree with?  Begin your fumbling.


This note is only for an extremely advanced reader who is already reading the next note.


The previous note is not unlike this note.


Slow down and you will see more in this note than is obvious at first.





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