Strictly speaking, there is not any such thing as this note because your cognitive system has already destroyed it and replaced it with what you imagine is being talked about here.


No matter how many different ways you tackle this note, it cannot possibly be this actual note.


There is an issue about objectivity in regard to this note if you will read from beyond your usual egocentric viewpoint about yourself.


I wanted desperately to write the perfect note here, but it required the perfect reader.


One day you will probably go through all the Note Sessions again, at which time you will have to face the real meaning of this note.


What would have to be added to this question to make this note the most interesting and important note you ever read?


Pause for a moment before you complete your understanding of this note.


The entire Universe is happy to receive your unique and original understanding of this note as soon as you decide to know how to have such an understanding.


This note agrees to blossom into something of real importance in your mind once your mind is ready to know what is important for it.


Do you really believe you were once actually doing a full reading or complete thinking about this note?


This note is incredibly tricky and dangerous to your imaginary sanity and stability, so be very careful how you read it.


Your reading of this note is useless.  Try to see why.


Jonathan Livingston Seagull would read this note from a freer space than you read from.  Think of what it means that a metaphorical being is more real than you are.  There is no hope for you until that really bothers you.


Since you are using your physical brain to read this note and think about it, you do not see or comprehend its transcendental quality.  But that’s O.K. because you just haven’t got transcendental talent.  It might very well require many lifetimes for you to get fully into this note.


Isn’t it fantastic to be here now and almost understand a question like this one?


Once upon a time, long, long ago, you had an intimation that in some future life you would be provided with the opportunity of reading a note like this one.  Now, since it took you so long to have this opportunity, make sure you get the full benefit by naming to yourself what the full benefit actually is.


Timeless reading of this note is theoretically possible, but not if you get it over with.


Try giving rise to greater intensity and energy of self-awakening in the next note if you cannot do it in this note.


What kind of intensity and energy have you got about this question?


The time has come for you to know the time has come. Find out what it is!





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