That you exist permanently in a way your impermanent existence does not know makes your statement of “I am” highly ambiguous. So, the same statement that is a cosmic doorway for one individual becomes a self-deceptive blockage for another individual.  What is it in your case?


If you say, “I am here now”, do you mean that you are not a body in a room sitting on a chair?  Or, is that exactly what you would try to mean?  Do you see the ambiguity of being and not-being your body?  This problem of Mind-and-Body is not merely philosophical, but is deeply existential.  It is existential because your entire physical future on Earth depends on how you resolve it, as does your entire mental future after death. Resolve it now!


You can develop your understanding of notes for as long as you live, but when you die you will have problems that reduce notes to sheer insignificance if you have not had real self-awakening while you were alive.  Do you see this?


Anyone who criticizes this note is either a genuinely awake Divine being or a total asshole.  Anyone who does not criticize this note is either a genuinely awake Divine being or a slow learner.


This is absolutely pure Zen if you are not oriental.  If you are oriental, this is absolutely pure transmission.  If you are neither oriental nor non-oriental, this is absolutely pure itself as a note.


This is absolutely pure superconsciousness if you are extraterrestrial. If you are terrestrial, this note is just another “note”.  If you are neither terrestrial nor extraterrestrial, this is absolutely pure stimulation.  Are you stimulated?


Give yourself one more little chance to wake up from reading this note.


Reading this different note implies that it can be read differently.


A thousand nasty, arrogant or critical Earthbound social readers cannot stop a lone awake individual reader of this note from awakening more to the truth of those thousand assholes.


A really gifted reader of this note will never try to explain all this to nasty, arrogant or critical readers, for such a reader will know that those insane readers are caught-up in their social self-importance and have no aspiration for true enlightenment or real learning.




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