You are not getting from this note what you should be getting from it, so we have no recourse but to cut it short at this point.


Before you go on to the next note, why not admit to yourself that your presence here is useless?


It is a complete waste of time for you to read this note.  When will you face this fact?


You know you haven’t got any real follow-through on the notes you read, so what is the point of this note?


Welcome to the silly circus of readers who cannot understand these things called Notes, but who are emotionally attached to reading them and having foolish imaginings about their “progress”.


Here is yet another note to mangle with your emotional problems of being self-enclosed.


Try not to be upset when you find out what you could and could not do about this note.


You are perfectly fitted for the process whereby notes cannot do much for you but make you feel stimulated somehow.


You asked for more notes, so go ahead and do your usual thing with this note to your heart’s content.


This note is yet another example of the exhilarating progress you are making through your addiction to “notes”.


May those who feel dependent on having “note sessions” be ever filled with enthusiasm and self-centered imaginings of all kinds.


What could be more warm and exciting than a happy and fulfilled reader of some note?


Nothing can be more satisfying for a notes author than happy, enthusiastic, emotionally difficult readers who are trying real hard.


Your psychological need for stimulating “notes” is just like being any kind of junkie, but you will not really see this until much later in life, so just go ahead and get high on this note rather than comprehending it on a serious level.


Have yourself a good time just gliding into the fantastic qualities that unfold for you in this progressive and enlightening note.


Have no fear, this note is here!


This note does not have to have any real meaning to satisfy your emotional requirement.


This note is unspeakably thrilled that you want to read it so much.


We will try not to end your little session too soon.


Your bleetings and plaintings for more Notish inner nutriments have been heard, so God has ordered me to give everything you are crying out for.




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