You may have noticed that this note said something interesting about you.  Do you know what it was?


It will take a moment of real depth for you to see how superficially you read this note.


Can you read this note in such a way that your first understanding of it begins to fall apart?


One can read for information, but information becomes knowledge only through direct personal experience.  Is this note information or knowledge for you?


If you could turn into a bird for a few hours before turning back into a human being, what kind of bird would you most enjoy being?  Why would you enjoy being that kind of bird the most? Answer it to yourself before you go on to the next note.


There is something far-out for you to do with this note, but you have to see for yourself what it is.


You will forget this note very soon.  Do you know why?


Concentrate on this note until it bores you.


What became most boring for you in the last note?


What is most boring about this note?


If you wish to increase your intelligence, add 2+2=4 in a different way.


A cloud drifting in the sky begins from nowhere and returns to nowhere.  This note is the same.  There is nothing to calculate here.


You have no objective reason to worry that you will stop thinking about this note too soon.


The more you think about this note, the less you may learn from it.


The more you think you should not think about notes, the less you will probably learn from them.  It is one thing to learn from the previous note, it is another thing to be indoctrinated by it.


The more you get fixated on yourself as a reader, the less you may learn from notes.


Both clinging to notes and avoiding notes are imbalances in your learning process.


All notes, including this note, are filled with practical indications about how to enhance your learning process with notes, but no learning process will take place if you blot-out the uncomfortable indicators.


Most readers have times when they do not like being given direction.  This would work out all right for them if they were presently in a state of having authentic self-direction and a high enough level of awareness and insight.  But they are invariably in a state where their stubborn adherence to their self-enclosed condition is an endless dead-end road, an evolutionary cul-de-sac.


Most readers will only amuse themselves with a note such as this one.  This is because they are fixated in what they want and don’t want in any given note.


The superficial aspiration of most readers is not genuine or deep enough to bear the weight of an in-depth Note Session, so the real points are quickly glossed over to preserve the factors of excitement and surprise that cause giggling or wittiness.





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