The way other readers read this note means nothing compared to the way you read this note.  What other people do with their consciousness means nothing compared to what you do with your consciousness.  Be clear about this, be very clear about this, before you read the next note.


It is possible for your reading of notes to improve, just as it is possible for your habits of living to improve.  The impossible becomes possible when you realize that building up your opinions for social purposes only clouds your Spirit.  What you think of others and what they think of you are wholly secondary for self-realization, which is everything.  Other people distract you too much from your fundamental issues.


This note is about a genetic experiment that genetically spliced a tarantula with a chicken.  The result was so horrible that the only redeeming feature was the production of an ideal discontinuity for this note session.


Phenomenal subject-object cognitions are obviously conjunctions of memory with temporality, flow of time.  In the case of this note you will have to admit that that kind of functionality is happening in your consciousness as a phenomenological event.  Yet this note is out here in-the-world as well with each reader as a being-here-in-the-world with a uniquely phenomenological angle on what this note may be objectively stating.  Try to understand what is existentially at stake for you in particular in your possible understanding of these issues before you go on to the next note within the causal seriality of time where one thing happens for you before another thing happens for you.


There seems to be a causal law that says only a material consciousness (something like a subtler than subtler object) can suffer from a misunderstanding or illusion of some sort.  Hence, an object, some level of body, is required for suffering, anguish or difficulty to take place.  Only an object/body can suffer the effect of a cause, a karmic consequence.  No pure subject or Spirit can therefore be confused, anguished or suffer.  Such a pure subject or Spirit is only asleep or awake to some degree at a given time within Eternity.  The perspective of the Super-reader of the reader is a possibility fraught with virtually infinite implications, if you can wake up to all this sometime. Meanwhile, for the time being, here within subject-object reader-note causality and time-seriality, there is now another note to read.


There is a core perspective where it can be rightly said that both this note and the entire time/space universe of galaxies of stars as seen through a telescope are nothing phenomenologically but an assemblage sphere of cognition floating in your subtle aura behind your right side of your upper back.  What comes to that assemblage focal point is injected from a centre at the back of your head and then projected in that same centre in your head as if it were “out there” in an “objective environment.”  So, basically you are doing this note and this universe without knowing how you do it.  The next note is even worse!


Hello from your mechanism to your actual Self!


Think of what happened in your consciousness before you read the next note.


Is this really a “note”?





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