All this seems to begin with Session One, yet it has no beginning or end.  The best way to begin might be to step outside and try to see something you have never seen before, then go to Session One.


This note is of no particular interest for anyone but two or three obscure readers.


One way to take this process farther out is to spontaneously do that without requiring an explanation.


Your being-here is having an effect on you that includes the kind of concerns that bring you to read this note.


If a philosopher tells you that the Totality of Being is extremely important, that does not mean you will yourself necessarily give extreme importance to the “Totality of Being”.  It is even doubtful that you will give extreme importance to this note.


Do not think about this note, but it is a good idea to let yourself experience something strange.


There is a Great Power that drives readers into or away from notes.  This Great Power can be witnessed, but not understood.


That you are now reading this note does not mean what you think it does.


It has been arranged for you to have a mild misunderstanding of this note that you cannot correct, so do not strain your brain trying to do the impossible.


There has never been a note as fantastic as this note in all our Sessions, but only Alien Communion can show why.


Over two-thousand years ago on lake in Swat , Pakistan , an eight year old boy was found materialized from within a giant lotus.  Most readers do not see the significance of the on-going life of that immortal being who is still alive on Earth.


That lack of interest in the being still called, Lotus Born, Padmasambhava, Pema Jungne, is probably due to the fact that he is more advanced than Christ or Buddha and consequently far more secretive about his comings and goings.  We do know that he spent a brief period of his history in Tibet, where he promoted Buddhism before going on to spend time in ancient Mexico with the Mayans.  There is even a rumor that he lives lately with a community of immortals he has formed in Peru. But, hey, this is just a note.  It is hard to know what to believe when believing or disbelieving is all the reader is going to be doing about such things.


This note is about believers and disbelievers.  Both types grow old, die, pass away and become easily forgotten.  No one is going to give a shit what you believed or disbelieved after you are dead. In fact, no one really gives a shit now.  Human beings of the Earth are so shallow and distracted that they don’t give a shit what immortals or developed Siddhas or advanced E.T.s believe or disbelieve.


Finally, to complete this particular session, it is recommended that you make a bigger effort than ever to start asking the right questions.  You are too much of a passive consumer of notes and related teachings.







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