All this begins with Session One.  New-comers should begin with Session One. New-comers who do not begin with Session One are stupid, arrogant and neurotic.  Such useless people will never understand anything.  When they read a note like this one, they begin to mutter and argue; they upset themselves and go away or they try to mindlessly push ahead for hurried scanning and judging. Incapable of subtle perception, they become aggressive, blind brains driven by materialist egotism, even if they imagine they are occult or spiritual persons.  Believing they are ready for anything, they hop about on the Web like toads on a driveway.  The planet Earth produces far more of these creatures than anything else.  A reader who is willing to learn from Session One forward and stick with it is a very rare human being.


Now that you have gotten to this point, you recognize that each note is a world in itself.  Even a few readers on the Earth will see the beauty of this note before going on to the next.


You can travel vividly to alternative worlds while your body remains in this world.  Learning to do this begins with seeing the significance of such personal transitional capacity before going on to the next note.


You could read this note now and then for years before realizing that it has to be read in another position of cognition or the assemblage point.


To help you develop some alternative positions of cognition, try to see that it is energetically different than taking alternative intellectual positions of viewpoint or opinion.  You might try seeing your surrounding world in a radically different energy before you go on to the next note.


If you are not attempting to energetically shift your center of cognitive experience, then what are you trying to accomplish by reading this note?  Are you merely entertaining yourself intellectually?  Are you trying to get yourself emotionally confused?


This note is about the hidden structures of cognition that yield alternative worlds of perceptual experience.  To get inside of all this requires that you stop blindly clinging to your familiar everyday world.  You must let the familiar surrounding drop away a little, let it separate itself out.  You must stop insisting that everything you need is in your familiar world of known people, things and ideas.  Crack open the familiar world a little before you read the next note.


Some who imagine they are on the right spiritual path or who like to believe they have the complete answers for everything, are sneaking into this website to see what they may have missed. A small number of those sneaky self-doubters are beginning to realize they have been missing an awful lot.  It is always a wonderful thing when prejudice and pretence begin to break down.  Any reader of this note is free at any time to come off whatever uptight spiritual trip one might be on.


You would have more far-out experiences if you had higher energies; you would have higher energies if you would cultivate more far-out experiences.  Consciousness follows life-energy and life-energy follows consciousness.


This note will energize your body in a newly intense way if you will awaken to the truth of what you think of all this.


Your body is therefore more than having sex, doing daily chores or reading books.  It is also there to learn exploration of the Unknown.  Get the agreement of your body about this before you read the next note.


What is your new and better strategy for exploring the Unknown?




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