Do you know what notes are really about?  Try to give yourself a complete truth about this before you go on to the next note.


Try mentally repeating the following statement as many times as possible: “Notes are this and much, much more.”


Return now to the Zen idea of sudden awakening, but remain asleep as you comfortably get into the next note about your sex life.


Sexual orgasm can be a gateway into an amazing magical world, but you undoubtedly prefer to just have your orgasm be the end of your sex act.  There is therefore no reason not to go on to the next note about your inner life.


Your inner life is too caught-up in your psychic web of emotional considerings of what others think of you, which keeps it superficial and lacking in magical power.  What a waste your “inner life” is.  Why do you bother to have one?


Try mentally repeating the following statement as many times as you possibly can: “My inner life can become much, much more.”


Now picture a typical isolated New Age seeker of spirituality and the occult.  See such a typical isolated seeker reading a spiritual or occult book now and then, coupled with an effort to try and sit still to “meditate” so that something “unusual” might happen.  See this person as self-enclosed, argumentative and afraid that a Godman (or Godwoman) would just order them around and make them uncomfortable.  Then see such a person trying to have a big breakthrough with notes.  See such a person being alternately excited and disappointed about notes.  Then picture such a reader going into a long period of confusion and self-doubt that brings them back to notes only occasionally when their latest spiritual or occult trip doesn’t quite pan-out.  Then see such a self-enclosed and spiritually isolated person wanting to be abducted by aliens.


It is obvious that our terrestrial readers do not know what they are suffering from, but our extraterrestrial readers are quite clear about what makes them suffer for the most part.  Both kinds of readers should try mentally repeating the following message as many times as they can: “The space I need for all this is close at hand.”


This note recommends that emotionally upset readers should learn to be objective and that intellectually cynical readers should learn to be subjective.


This note recommends that you become intensely perplexed about where all this is increasingly taking you.  You need to inquire with great energy what the Ultraterrestrial Real People are trying to inwardly tell you right now about your planet and your possible future.  Do not go to the next note without hearing at least something inside your chest in the Language of the Heart.


This note contains a huge paradox.  The more you read it impersonally, the less you will achieve an important personal empowerment; but the more you take it with personal greed for an experience, the less you will understand what it was really about.


What now needs to really let go inside you before you read the next note?  Be sure that the needed let-go really happens now.


You are using your brain and your mind to read and think about this note, but there is something more important within you that you still do not recognize and utilize in all this.  Try to see what it is before the next note-session.




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