You have been brought there to this note for your own good, so do not allow anyone or anything to misinterpret it for you.


I am preparing you for something you will not easily understand at first, but it will do great good for you.  Do not read any further notes if you do not accept this devastating fact.


This note is about a step in your life that you are somewhat reluctant to take just yet, but which you know deep within you is inevitable and healthy.  Get into slightly better contact with that coming step before you read the next note.


What does this note reach in you after your initial confrontation with it?


Try to perceive that I am writing this note with another intention for you and others than you and others believe at this time.  Do not go to the next note without this problem.


Try to receive this note in some other ontological region of understanding of the meaning of Being.  Do not just stare or act confused.


Take an entirely different position toward notes before going on to read the next note.


Nothing short of absolute comprehension will get you through this note.


You can do something wonderful with or about this note. That is all that can be told to you about it at this time.


You might want to experiment here at this time.


Do you recognize your new capacity now that you have been poignantly asked this question?


Take this note as far as you really want to go.


Explore your new freedom in all this by letting this note uncover it more fully at this time.


Give yourself permission to read this note with the full power of leaving humanity far behind you without rejection, repulsion or bitterness.


Give yourself all the time you really need to penetrate this note and pour yourself out into what is calling you the most deeply at this time in your life.


Discover that you have ears on the bottoms of your feet that can hear the sounds of the Earth as your real mother teaching you her language.




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