As you are reading this note and before you read the next note, you are “in” a state of mind which you can observe. Observation is always in a higher dimension than the level or dimension of consciousness that is being observed.  There is never a self to observe, because the self is the level of observation above the level being observed.  So you are never the state of mind you believe yourself to be in. So you are reading this note and observing your mind at the same time.  Do you experience this? If so, go on to the next note.  If not, go back to the beginning by clicking on session one.


On how high a level of being and consciousness can you wake up on immediately without further effort or hope to so awaken? Are you aware of the real meaning of your usual efforts and hopes, of the level of being and consciousness on which they are endlessly happening?  Can you suspend your usual efforts and hopes a little before you push on in the next note?


If you cannot understand this note, then just go on to the next note and be happy with whatever you can get there.  If you can understand this note, then go beyond understanding to the boundless brilliance of sheer Divine presence as Spirit beyond traditions and planets.  But do not just grope and strain here in some confused, dull and incapable state of futile effort or hoping for a miracle.


Do not try to “understand” this note, but just experience whatever you can experience about it.


This is the perfect moment to hear the full meaning in your being of any perfect moment.


What could be more wonderful than not wanting something to ever end and suddenly seeing that it will indeed never end?  But if you are driven to go on to the next note, you must go where you are driven.


If enlightenment, beauty and God are not the same Spirit of oneness in oneself, what is the use of such qualities or beings? If such things are nothing but unexperienced concepts, where is real life to be found?  If this note is not a hand holding Eternity before you in a way you can receive, then what are you getting here?  Where do your pain and futility ever stop?  When do you release yourself into a Divine and cosmic perspective?  How long must you go on struggling and hoping for a miracle?  This very moment is a miracle if you will open up to it.  Otherwise, just take your tense, petty little mind on to the next note.  We cannot artificially inject you with supreme consciousness if you don’t already have some working in you somewhere, somehow, already.


This note is the sad little ending of this session for the poor little minds without real talent for all this.  Perhaps in some future aeon they will come to something like notes and actually get it.





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