What kind of energy is your consciousness working with right now as you are reading this note and trying to think of what it means for you and your purpose or aspiration?  Do you understand the challenge of this question?  Do you see that you usually give importance only to the structure of words, concepts and meanings, not to the dynamics of the energy of your attention?  You see, you are alive and breathing in your physical body and brain and neurosystem while you are reading this note. Blood is pumping through your brain, which gives your brain an experience of passing time as pulses of sensation, evaluation and attention.  You can see for yourself that mental distraction and daydreaming are very physical, that mental associations trigger one another in passing waves in the physical brain.  Your opinions and considerings as you listen to these thoughts and register the meanings they have for you, are very liquid, pulsing, pushing throughout your living brain. Try to be more observant of all that before you go on to the next note.


The previous note brought up multiple issues about the energy of cognition in your brain and neurosystem.  It brought up a quality of materiality, of physicality of your reading and thinking here. And if you are lacking sleep or are physically ill or stoned on hash or rather drunk from alcohol, it is physically affecting your reading and thinking.  You are not reading as a pure consciousness centered in a higher dimension, even if that is theoretically possible.  So you need to be clear about the physicality of your reading and thinking before you go on to the next note.  Can you get to such clarity in yourself now before we go on?


Do you understand the issue of physical cognition working with a quality of personal energy?  Do you feel in the whole of your being what you are actually doing with this very note?  Are you clear what kind of an episode in your consciousness this is before you read the next note?  If you are not clear about it now, when does clarity happen?


For a very long time you have been struggling to be more conscious, to be more thoughtful and mature, to be more developed, free and happy.  And you read these notes now and then because they occasionally trigger something for you, because they challenge you about your state of mind, about the quality of your consciousness.  In fact, they are often a kind of exercise you can perform, even if you do not know what to call it.  So you have set yourself a task here of some sort.  Do you understand what is really going on with you in all this?  There is this need for greater self-questioning, for clarity about your mental state.  Is this not so?  So ask yourself now what is emerging as most important for you in all this before you go on to the next note.


Are you a real, solid, thoughtful, interesting and creatively contributing individual?  Be more clear about this before you go on to the next challenging note.  Are you really emerging into great maturity, realness and higher development?  Or do you remain rather vague, flat and boring for both yourself and others like a floating, dreamy cloud?


The average reader when asked an intense question will usually just stare into space feeling blocked-off with a neurotic tension of self-doubt.  Even such a flat, dull, mediocre reader can still make a promising beginning in observation of their actual state of mind and being-in-the-world.  Is this not so?  Are you looking at the humble but real beginning in all this?





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