This note is unique, yet is the same as every note ever written. Be clear about this or the next note will not yield its important secret.


You will never be a socially significant reader of notes, but you can be amazingly happy about what you get here now and then. Your happiness will always be more powerful and meaningful for you than your social significance.


Do not meditate on anything in this note and do not try to find some unique meaning in it.  Your real awareness is clear and vast in a natural way without any sort of meditating or analyzing. Just be relaxed and happy in your reading.


There is nothing whatsoever for you to be doing about notes. Completely set aside any giving-out or taking-in about all this. Just put your mind at ease in an open detached state.  Have no concern whatsoever about getting a result from this note or the next.


Train yourself to read notes with no mental strain or emotional concern whatsoever.  Try to carry this wonderful attitude over into everything else in your world so that you will be happy and secretly powerful without effort.


This note rejects the kind of concerns and efforts you try to bring here.  Give them up!  They are nothing but mediocrity of the world controlling you.  The world, which you are so worried about most of the time, is nothing but a phantasmagoria of dreams and illusions.  All the chatter and activities of humanity are without substance.  Cut the strings that attach you to mediocre relatives, friends and enemies, remain super-aware and relaxed in a natural state without petty ambitions or spiritual achievements.  Sooner or later you will find yourself established in an amazing space beyond all effort and social tension.  You will be completely happy, peaceful and real.




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