Note sessions , including this one, are not written for raw beginners.  This first note, for instance, is designed for a somewhat conscious and aware reader coming in here as a veteran of the previous one-hundred-and-thirty-seven sessions. Without such experience under your belt, you are more likely to become a cognitive lamb led to the slaughter than a case of sudden enlightenment.  But, hey, if you feel up to the job, sink your teeth into the next note.


This note is about your usual wrong thinking about this note. Correct your thinking for the next note.  In fact, correct it for this note.  You could also go all the way on this note and the next note, if you want a hint.


This note does not have to happen in the way you think.


This entire session has another theme than the one you yourself would identify.


Listen very carefully and deeply to the exact wording of this ambiguous note before making any firm judgement of its value.


If you had a damned good reason for quickly forgetting this note, what might that reason be?


Would you like to read a note so cosmic and vast that you would not feel a need to prove to yourself or others that you actually got into it and went so far out with it that you have no memory of the connection with this particular note?


We might have something good going on with you in this note if you will just slow down your speed of reading a little and see where it can take you before you get into the next note.


You will soon discover that you want more from this note than you got the first time you thought about it after hearing it.


This brief and simple note could not possibly be the greatest thing you ever read.


The greatest reader does not agree with your assessment of the last note.


This note has been cranked down to your speed so that you will feel highly of it.


If you are beginning to see what your mind has been repeatedly doing with this note after you heard it, you still have the option of putting your mind on a more promising track here.


Memorize the following statement and repeat it mentally three times: “I do not often obey like this”.


Repeat mentally the following statement more or less twenty (20) times: “This better do something!”


If you are beginning to see how your mind works, mentally repeat the following statement 10 times: “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to do this.”


Now mentally repeat just two (2) times: “Is this really enough to get the job done?”


There’s nothing like a little harmless obedience.




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