Make up your mind what you most firmly believe notes actually are before you read the next note.


Do you believe that you may possess a particular cognitive faculty that deals with things like notes?  If you do, then make sure that the cognitive faculty is fully activated before you read the next note.  If you do not believe that you have such a specialized cognitive faculty, will you now bring some existing cognitive faculty of yours into greater activation before you read the next note.


This note is about your strange relationship with you cognitive faculties.  Can you see something new or unusual about it before you start getting carried away about the next note?


If everything you see were nothing but a projection of your visual assemblage center at the back of your head, would you realize that you do not see actual reality?


If you were told that there is a kind of weird entity that looks at the world backward from the back of your head, would you want to use its eyes for seeing another world that is opposite to your present world you see before you read the next note?


This note is about an unusual cognitive faculty of yours that can see black light.  Would you want to see black light for a few moments before you read the next note?


Are you prepared now to question your assumptions about possible cognitive faculties?  Or would you prefer to remain normal and just go read the next note?


If you were surrounded by peculiar inhuman entities that your ordinary faculties of cognition cannot perceive, would you prefer to not have to know about them?  Do not read the next note until you feel ready for a new problem.


For most extraterrestrial human beings, people of Earth appear as dangerously stupid aliens.  Make up your mind how you feel about this before you go on to reading and feeling the next note.


What cognitive faculty do you use to perceive, feel or believe that you exist?  Make up your mind about this before you go on to deal with your learning opportunity in the next note.


What are you experiencing right now that is the least normal kind of experience for you, but still somehow real?  Get a grip on your least normal experiencing before you read the next note.


If you were to read this note without any selfish, tense, neurotic or emotional considerings, would there be any real limit to the meaning of this note?


Are you completely convinced that you heard all the implications of this question?


If you would like greater peace of mind, do not read the incredible but disturbing next note about the future of your planet.


Something horribly strange will soon happen on your planet that your normal cognitive faculties will not be able to correctly interpret.  Are you ready?





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