This note is not about being stimulated by this note.  This note is about certain things you need to learn if you want to make real progress in the universe.  You have inner barriers to necessary learning which therefore have to be identified and overcome.  If you now want to identify and overcome your inner barriers to learning, begin with the next note.


This note is about one of your learning disabilities.  You have a problem of wanting to focus exclusively on a path of human development that was created for the people of a language and culture of a certain historical era of those people.  Your learning disability here is your proclivity toward imitation and secondary realization, which means that instead of developing higher experiences and capacities, you only learn a new language and try to act like people of a certain culture.  You then begin to feel that the more cultures you can imitate, the more advanced you might be, which is to mistake a horizontal extension for in-depth vertical uplift.


This note is about another of your learning disabilities, which is that you try to rely on a single formula of development, whether it be Sufi action, Zen koan, Hindu mantra with breathing, or any other culturally imbedded method, which includes apparently non-cultural approaches, such as Krishnamurti open meditation outdoors or Rajneesh tantric sex permissiveness and heightened indulgence.  The idea of a single formula can happen within or around any culture, even if the culture does not seem to be a culture.  This learning disability is only overcome by connecting with guidance that would enable you to enter a usefully total pattern of multidimensional efforts and meditations that do not reject or neglect important zones of your being, life and thinking.  This means, for instance, that merely reading notes every day, such as you may be doing lately, is not itself an all-sufficient development, though it is obviously an indispensable part of something.  Try to understand this for real before you go on to the next note.


This note is about the evolutionary aspirant with a learning disability of remaining a fascinated consumer of unusual phenomena, wonders and stimulating information.  This is your tendency to require pleasure in your studies so that you cannot give sustained attention to an important issue nor make a consistent effort with genuine initiative of your own.  Lacking a real sense of direction and purpose, you tend to wander from “hit” to “hit” like a junkie of the occult, the weird and the esoterically titillating.  As a modern consumer, you have allowed yourself to be trained as a dilettante rather than to be inducted into a true and comprehensive path.  Unable to recognize your needed areas of self-improvement for right works of service – or unable to follow-through in them where you do recognize them – you play around with various books and methods in a random way making short-lived experiments at most.  If you now see that you suffer from this learning disability and want to learn to overcome it, read the next note.


This note is about your learning disability of wanting more and more information and convincing about a needed area of commitment and sustained effort or practice before you will give commitment and action.  Instead of developing your being, you develop your confusion and weakness.  You make a problem of realization into a problem of faith.  You pretend that you are not lazy, distracted and procrastinating, but that you are a valuable human being who has just not been adequately persuaded, convinced and given faith somewhere.  Do not go on to the next note session if you have not come to a space of greater self-honesty about your learning disabilities.






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