There are always some stupid readers who try to go into one of these sessions without having read the previous sessions, but that is just a minor problem next to the fact that most of our experienced readers don't know what-the-hell they are actually trying to accomplish in all this.


How much natural interest do you have in just this one question?


There is no way you can increase your fascination in listening to this idea until you register the hidden complications of your free will you believe you have in deciding to pay any attention to this at all.


The magic of this particular idea is that when you hear it you can never be sure you know what it might mean to try to make it your own.


Perhaps you could admit to yourself more thoroughly and comprehensively that you are still not thinking about what it might actually entail to take more intelligent steps in the way you regard the sort of challenge this is hinting about.


One of the most peculiar features of the way you read all this is that you have a certain blind faith in your present level of comprehension.  This state of mind, this psychological attitude or internal setting, allows you to rush on from one misunderstood statement or message to the next as if something were being got done with or somehow accomplished — perhaps a kind of survey to try and decide whether it would be worthwhile to really get to the point of all this at some future date.


As a modern reader, you do not have to worry about your future personal death having any relevance to the kind of choices you make that affect your future.  You can remain absorbed in the self of collective societal belonging and cultivate a kind of vague hope to be remembered for something in the forgotten history of the world where people continue to rush about in mindless distraction and idle chatter.


Picture a totally arrogant, self-enclosed, heedless and foolish typical reader of these words.  Then see if you could find a way to awaken such a wretched individual to the truth of their condition.  How would you do it?


There is a kind of keen and hopeful reader or listener who loves to hear unusual statements like this over and over again, but never follows through nor even considers that there is a crucially missing personal follow through.


We have been developing this technique for over twenty-five years, but virtually all our readers continue to imagine it is some overnight gimmick.  So who is not really being serious?


Your inability to benefit from all this has to do with the way you habitually waste your life in your efforts of social self-importance or self-enclosed anxiety.  So, even though you could theoretically benefit, you won't.  Only one reader in a million will get this point and work it out.  You are just too normal as a reader and that is how it shall remain.


The best thing you can do about all this is just forget about it and carry on in your present commitments as best you can, even if such commitments are mostly about pleasing shallow, boring and conceited idiots who will never have the good sense to praise and appreciate this kind of brilliant assertion.

Perhaps the situation in which you are hearing this statement is the beginning of an unusual experience.


Did you know that your brain is prejudiced against any possible development of your direct experiences?


Try to understand that your brain is processing these words in such a manner as renders you unaware of what is really going on around here.


Those who are truly alive and not just arrogant dead brains will always rejoice in being acknowledged here, whereas the arrogant dead brain will become even more flustered and fucked-up about all this.




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